Micro-business update: name change, software coming together

About 6 min reading time

Hello! It's been about a week since I first wrote about working on HookWeb Reducer. I'm on vacation from work and have some time to invest in this, and a lot has changed. I'm getting closer and closer to shipping an MVP. That's the next milestone. The vision is also sharpening.

Business updates

Name change

Something about HookReducer wasn't sitting quite right with me. I loved that I got the .com, and what I'm building is well suited to webhooks. But it's not just for webhooks. It's really for any kind of message. Initially, I'm only accepting messages via HTTP (and it could stay that way forever). But the client doesn't have to be a webhook provider.

WebReducer.dev struck me as a better name. It's still easy to spell and say. I think it's memorable. The .dev TLD is generally less desirable than .com, but in this case, it immediately tells you that the product is a service for software development. HookReducer.com could be selling something to hang curtains, a sewing tool, etc, etc.

Open source

I've decided to open source this project now, even though it's nowhere near feature-complete. I always intended to build an open product. I imagined features that would allow users to leave anytime they want, with their data and their code, and run on their own infrastructure. I was also leaning towards open sourcing everything. Once I made this decision to do it, I wondered when was the right time. I was a little bit fearful that someone would look at my code and judge me. Why did I use x-library? Why don't I use Y Design pattern there?

I've reflected a little bit and gotten over these fears

  • Criticism can be very useful, so why not have it
  • When it isn't useful, ignore it
  • If I let these fears prevent me from open sourcing, I won't really be building in public, which was part of the whole point of this project. I believe building in public is partly about letting people see the process, not just a polished product.

So, I've made the repo public as of now.


I've made some progress on value prop. I think I can articulate some use cases more clearly than I could last week. A point of emphasis: this is a µ-product. It's designed for µ-problems, of which there are many. Here are some I've thought of.

  • Prototyping
    • Often times when you're working on a new project, it's somewhere between prototype and production application. Maybe you don't have as many tests as you normally would. Maybe you don't have as much observability as you might want. Maybe you don't handle webhooks all that well. Start with WebReducer. Put it in front of your project.
    • Maybe you have a new integration in your product. It's immature, and you're not sure if it'll stick around. They have a webhook feature, but you don't want to do the legwork to setup a queue, validate authenticity, etc, etc, etc. Put WR in front of your app. Write your reducer function later if you ever need it.
    • Your building a client-side prototype and don't want to bother with a real backend, but would love to save a little data somewhere. We've got you covered
  • IOT
    • Do you have devices out in the world that are intermittently connected? Maybe you want them to be able to connect to a server and ask "what happened since I last had a connection." WR is perfect for that.
  • Business observability
    • Perhaps there are business events you care about on a 3d party platform. These events matter to the business, but not to the software. It would take engineering resources to create webhook endpoints for them. You just want to stick them somewhere and do something with them later.
  • Games
    • You want multiple players to agree on the state of the world
    • Multiple players can send in events
    • All players are notified via websocket when the state of the world changes
  • Personal
    • I want to expose a read endpoint that tells my friends how many unread messages are in my gmail inbox using the gmail api


On the engineering front, I've made the most progress. I've added many security measures for the code runner.

High level architecture, security, and resilience

The system is designed with two priorities

  1. Go down as little as possible
  2. Don't let user-generated code do anything bad

To achieve this, I make heavy use of queueing and isolate the hell out of the VM that runs user-generated code. I took some inspiration from Tim Nolet's post.

flowchart TB
    Client[Client React App]
    HookClient[Endpoint Clients]
    subgraph isolated-docker


    Client <--> Server
    HookClient <--> Server
    Server <--> Redis
    Server <--> Postgres
    Worker <--> Redis
    Worker <--> Postgres
    Worker <--> Runner

When requests hit WebReducer, they are put directly into a bull queue. The only thing that happens before that is body parsing. If we see a surge in traffic, the database won't be the point of failure. These enqueued jobs are processed with a reasonably high concurrency. The initial processing doesn't run the code, it just captures the request in postgres and enqueues the next job to run the code.

%%{init: {"flowchart": { "useMaxWidth": false } }}%%
    participant Client
    participant Server
    participant Redis
    participant IngestRequestWorker as Injest Request Worker
( Concurency ⬆️ ) participant Postgres participant RunnerWorker as Runner Worker participant Runner Client ->> Server: Sending request Server ->> Redis: Enqueue job for request Redis ->> Server: Enqueued Server ->> Client: 202
(btw, the req id is...) Redis ->> IngestRequestWorker: Job IngestRequestWorker ->> Postgres: Save this request
in a persistent way Postgres ->> IngestRequestWorker: 👍 IngestRequestWorker ->> Redis: Enqueue a job to
actually process
this request Redis ->> IngestRequestWorker: I got u IngestRequestWorker ->> Redis: Finished w/
the job btw Redis ->> RunnerWorker: Job RunnerWorker ->> Postgres: Gimme that req data Postgres ->> RunnerWorker: {...} RunnerWorker ->> Runner: Hey can you run
this code with
this payload? Runner ->> RunnerWorker: For sure RunnerWorker ->> Postgres: Save the new state plz Postgres ->> RunnerWorker: Yup RunnerWorker ->> Redis: I'm done

The launcher queue has a concurrency of 1. It's very important that two launchers are not run at the same time because they would run into a race condition. Whoever saves the state last would win. You might note that a concurrency of 1 is not scalable. To solve this, I've created a series of N launcher queues. When a job is enqueued, it is assigned to one of them by a hash of endpoint key. Individual endpoints process requests serially, but the system processes requests in parallel.

The runner itself is stateless. I can create as many instances as I want if it ever becomes the bottleneck.

flowchart LR
    capture[Capture Request Job]


    subgraph runner-launchers[Runner Launchers - Concurency 1 for each]
        direction TB
        L1[Launcher-1 Queue]
        L2[Launcher-2 Queue]
        L3[Launcher-3 Queue]
        L4[Launcher-4 Queue]
        LN[Launcher-n Queue]


    server --> capture
    capture --> hash
    hash --> L1
    hash --> L2
    hash --> L3
    hash --> L4
    hash --> LN

    L1 --> runner
    L2 --> runner
    L3 --> runner
    L4 --> runner
    LN --> runner

Recomputing state

One of the best features of WebReducer is going to be recomputing your state when you change the code. But, if you've received 1M events, it doesn't make sense to enqueue 1M jobs in the queue and hit the runner 1M times. I've built the system to be capable of batching requests. This could come in handy at some point for high-volume endpoints, but for now, I'm only conceiving of it for replaying state.


Sticky date line

I realized that in my initial design prototype, there was a whole column in the requests table that was often displaying the exact same data:

data table with redundant dates

So I added a line in the table representing the date change. Here's how I made the date line. Whoever thought of position: sticky deserves a medal.

data table with slick line


I realized that modals are going to be an important UI element, so I setup a system I'm pretty happy with.

data table with slick line

When you want to open an existing component in a react component, here's how you would do that

const YourButton = () => {
const { openModal } = useModals();

const openFooModal = useCallback(
(fooName: string) => {
name: "foo",
props: { fooName },

return <Button onClick={openModal}>Open Foo Modal</Button>;

To create a new modal:

import { registerModal } from "../modals/ModalProvider";
import {
} from "../modals/Content";

type MODAL_NAME = "test";
const MODAL_NAME: MODAL_NAME = "test";

declare global {
namespace Modal {
interface ModalTypes {
props: Props;

type Props = { text: string };

const TestModal = ({ text }: Props) => {
return (
<ModalHeader title="Are you sure you really want to" />
<ModalBody>foobar! {text}</ModalBody>
<ModalFooter>Footer goes here</ModalFooter>

registerModal<MODAL_NAME>(MODAL_NAME, TestModal);

Features of this system:

  • Typed in modal definition and in openModal
  • Modals are a global concern like URL navigation, so it's good to have them at the top of the application
  • Modals are at the top of the tree, not sprinkled everywhere
  • Modals can be launched from anywhere in the tree
